You Did It!

July 31, 2020

Radio fans united are an unstoppable force! Thanks to your emails, calls and tweets to members of Congress, the Local Radio Freedom Act has reached an incredible milestone: the majority of the House of Representatives is sponsoring the resolution that opposes a performance tax on local radio stations.

Once again, more than 250 members of Congress are putting their name on the dotted line and standing up for radio listeners and their local radio stations by opposing a performance tax that could have devastating consequences on radio – especially now as stations are grappling with the pandemic and significant loss of advertising revenue.

Congress recognizes the promotional power of radio. Radio creates fans. Fans who purchase albums, download songs and buy merchandise – the profits of which go to the labels that, we assume, compensate their artists fairly. Radio turns songs into hits and artists into megastars. It’s a partnership that has worked well for decades.

This partnership benefits listeners and fans the most – radio is the soundtrack of our lives. It’s an invaluable source of news, traffic, weather and, of course, unforgettable moments underscored by amazing music.

Thank you for keeping the music alive!